Saturday, February 21, 2009

"come to the dark side, we have cookies"...

You've heard it before...perhaps you even have an icon for your journal/blog. It's amusing.
So, I couldn't help but laugh out loud when at the last social knitting (stitch an' bitch) get together, someone brought home baked cookies! I had to confess why I burst in to laughter, and in turn, they all laughed out loud, too.

I started knitting January 2, 2009. My friend gave me the gift of some beautiful yarn, and my first set of knitting needles...a size 8 circular. 24". I believe I've worked on a project every day since then...oh! save the day I drove from Sonoma California to home, Southern Oregon...I may not have knit on that day.

I appreciate my local yarn shoppe! The owner, the employees, and all of the social knitters. I felt immediately welcome at the knitting table. And, I'm new, so they all laugh at my jokes - that's fun! There are women from many walks of life, and spanning generations. (there's a mother & daughter who attend together often - the child of the daughter is 49 - there are five generations alive and well in that family. That's amazing to me. They are lovely women, a couple among many who gather at the yarn shoppe!

Okay, off I go. Time to primp for yarn shoppe time (and, by primp I mean to say - organize my the knitting items I want to take with me...I need better organizational tools for my growing knitting supplies. That would be helpful :-)

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